Which Industries Use The Most Water

Globally, the three main sectors that are responsible fresh water withdrawals are agriculture, industry, and the municipal sector.

In this guide, we look at how much water the different industries within each of these sectors.


(*Note – in this guide, we refer to the main sectors as agriculture, industry and municipal, whilst we refer to industries as the individual industries within these sectors)


Summary – Which Industries Use The Most Water

Global Water Withdrawals By Sector

Agriculture, industry, and the municipal sector are the three sectors responsible for water withdrawals globally.

We discuss the % breakdown of withdrawals between these sectors in further detail in the guide below, and provide a further breakdown in this guide


What Is Industrial Water Use?

Industrial water use might be described as water used for the creation and manufacturing of a product


Understanding Inclusions & Exclusions In Industrial Water Footprints

Understanding inclusions and exclusions gives context to footprints, and can also help explains why some footprints are larger or smaller than others

We give some examples of some potential inclusions and exclusions to be aware of and look out for when looking at industrial water use figures


Different Ways To Measure Or Express Water Use In Industry

It’s worth noting though that apart from total volume, water use can be expressed in other ways, such as water used:

– Per dollar of economic value produced

– Per kilowatt of electricity produced (for different energy sources)

– Per calorie produced (for food)

– Per gram of protein/fat/nutrient produced (for food)

– And, so on


Industries Use Water Both Directly & Indirectly – Understanding There’s A Difference

Different industries use water both directly, and indirectly, and there’s a difference between the two

We discuss the difference between direct and indirect water use in both this guide, and also this one (where we outline visible and invisible water footprints)

We also provide a few examples of direct and indirect water use in the guide below


Is More Water Used Directly, Or Indirectly In Industry?

In the US …

A majority of water usage (about 60 percent) is indirect according to some reports

And, about 96 percent of industry sectors use more water indirectly than directly in their supply chains


Industries That Use The Most Water, In General

There’s a range of industries that can use a lot of water – either for individual processes like refining, or for specific types of products they produce

We list these industries in the guide below


Industries That Use The Most Water In The US

In the US, most water usage is indirect, and most industry sectors use water indirectly, according to one report

When looking at direct water use, agriculture and power generation are responsible for ’90 percent of direct water withdrawals’

In terms of total water withdrawals, thermoelectric power generation and power plants (for cooling and other activities), and irrigation activities by far use the most water per day

Electrical power production might use more water than any other single industrial process – but, it’s worth confirming how much of this water is returned to it’s source and used again, and how much is completely consumed


Other Notes About Water Use In Different Industries In The US

In the guide below, we’ve paraphrased some information, and included some direct quotes from information about water use in the different industries in the US


Industries That Withdraw The Most Water In Europe 

In Europe, energy production and cooling in power plants, along with manufacturing in general, might be some of the highest water withdrawing industries 


Industries That Withdraw The Most Water In Australia

Apart from agriculture, energy generation might be a large water user, although, much of this might be non-consumptive


Water Use Specifically In The Energy & Electricity Sector & Industry

Seeing as though energy and electricity generation is a major water user outside of agriculture and irrigation, we provide more information on this sector/industry in the guide below


How We Waste & Lose Water In Industry

In addition to water use, we might also consider water waste and loss in industry


Potential Solutions To Use Water More Sustainably In Industry

There might be a range of solutions for using water more sustainably in industry


Considerations About Water Footprints & The Sustainability Of Water Use

The potential sustainability of different types of water is something we outline in a separate guide about water footprints.

Higher volumes of water use may not be bad if for example the type of water being used is renewable or sustainable in some way.


Global Water Withdrawals By Sector

There are three main sectors responsible for the withdrawal of fresh water resources on a global level – agriculture, for industry, and municipal.

The global average for fresh water withdrawals by sector is – agriculture (and irrigation) at 70%, industry at 19%, and municipal (household and public services) at 11%.

Australia is just one example of a country with a water withdrawal share that mirrors this % share almost exactly.

However, the % share may differ in individual countries

As one example, some low income countries may use more water for agriculture, whilst some higher income or more developed countries may use a far higher % of their water for industrial activity like energy generation

Read more about how these sectors withdraw fresh water resources globally, and in individual countries, in this guide.


What Is Industrial Water Use?

Industrial water use is water used for industrial applications i.e. the creation of products.

Some examples of water use for industrial applications might include:

– Water used for industrial processes

Such as fabricating, processing, washing, diluting, steam generation, and cooling (including cooling manufacturing equipment)

– Water incorporated or embedded into a product

– Water used within a manufacturing facility (such as for sanitation and cleaning)

– Water used to transport a product

Water used for industry can either come from a public water supplier, or be self supplied.


fmanet.org gives an example of what water can be used for in manufacturing processes:

In manufacturing processes, water is used to generate electric power, to make steam for processing and cleaning, to cool or control process temperature, to rinse, to dilute food, and to formulate products containing water (such as in pharmaceuticals and beverages).


Understanding Inclusions & Exclusions In Industrial Water Footprints

Whether looking at water use for an entire industry, or individual industrial processes, it’s important to understand and identify what exactly has been included and excluded from that water footprint number

These inclusions and exclusions can help give more context to the water footprint number

As a few examples of typical inclusions and exclusions to look out for:

– In power generation, the water use calculated for fossil fuels and nuclear (used for cooling for example), might be different to the water use calculated for hydropower 

So, the type of energy source might matter


– In power generation, some water is simply withdrawn and and returned to the water supply.

In other industrial activities, water may instead be consumed and not returned to the water supply


– Waste water produced from industrial activities may or may not be included in the water footprint


– Some footprints may identify if waste water was treated and used again, whilst others may not


– The more indirect water use included in the industrial footprint, the bigger the water footprint can be

The same can be said for how far up and down the supply and production chain water use is included

The more of the lifecycle of a product or process is included in a water footprint, the larger it might be


fmanet.org reinforces this:

How much water is required to produce a product varies, depending on how early in the process the meter starts to measure

[Water usage numbers are higher if they] include the water required to grow the crops or access the raw materials [for products]


Direct vs Indirect Water Use In Industry – Understanding The Difference

Industry uses water both directly and indirectly, and it’s important to understand the difference

We discuss the difference between direct and indirect water use in both this guide, and also this one (where we outline visible and invisible water footprints)

Essentially though, direct water use is the water that is used on-site that can be seen during industrial processes, and indirect water is water used off-site, or that is embodied in another stage of the industrial lifecycle (e.g. water being embodied in the supplies or materials manufacturers receive from suppliers)


news.thomasnet.com outlines the differences between direct and indirect water use:

… direct water usage [is] bringing water into a manufacturing facility for your industrial process …

… and indirect water usage [is when] when a manufacturing facility is buying items from the supply chain that were manufactured by someone else using water, then incorporating those materials into the finished product.


A few of our own examples of direct and indirect water use are:

We use water directly at home for different activities, but, the electricity we use at home for example has an indirect water footprint when it’s generated at a power plant or energy generation site

A car uses water at most stages throughout it’s lifecycle both directly and indirectly – indirectly during manufacture, in refining fuel, in the parts and tires that are replaced on the car, but also directly when washing a car

Food has an indirect water footprint when it’s grown on farms as crops


Which Industries Use The Most Water In General?

There’s a range of industries worldwide that can use a lot of water, either for individual processes, or for the types of products they produce

Just some examples are petroleum refining, industries that produce metals and involve smelting, food industries, the paper and wood industries, and industries that produce chemicals


From water.usgs.gov:

The industries that produce metals, wood and paper products, chemicals, gasoline and oils, and … utensils … are major users of water.

Some industries that use large amounts of water produce … commodities [such] as food, paper, chemicals, refined petroleum, or primary metals.


From cdc.gov:

Large amounts of water are used mostly to produce food, paper, and chemicals 

Water is also used by smelting facilities, petroleum refineries, and industries producing chemical products, food, and paper products


Which Industries Use The Most Water In The United States?

In the US, most water usage is indirect, and most industry sectors us water indirectly, according to one report

When looking at direct water use, agriculture and power generation are responsible for ’90 percent of direct water withdrawals’

In terms of total water withdrawals, thermoelectric power generation and power plants (for cooling and other activities), and irrigation activities by far use the most water per day

Electrical power production might use more water than any other single industrial process – but, it’s worth confirming how much of this water is returned to it’s source and used again, and how much is completely consumed


Direct vs Indirect Water Use By US Industry Sector

A 2010 report … broke down water usage by industry sector [and took into account both direct and indirect water usage] (news.thomasnet.com, and pubs.acs.org:)


– Direct Water Use

In terms of direct water usage, the agriculture and power-generation industries are responsible for 90 percent of direct water withdrawals (news.thomasnet.com, and pubs.acs.org:)


– Indirect Water Use

Yet a majority of water usage (about 60 percent) is indirect: about 96 percent of industry sectors use more water indirectly than directly in their supply chains (news.thomasnet.com, and pubs.acs.org:)


Total Water Withdrawals In the US By Industry

According to water.usgs.gov, in 2010, [of 306,000 Mgal/d of freshwater total withdrawn, the water was distributed amongst different industries as follows] …

1. Thermoelectric – 117,000 Mgal/d

2. Irrigation – 115,000 Mgal/d

3. Public Supply – 42,000 Mgal/d

[The rest of the industries from 4 to 8, in order were Industrial, Aquaculture, Domestic, Mining, and Livestock

Descriptions/breakdowns of the above sectors and industries are also available at that same resource.

There is also now 2015 stats available.]


According to epa.gov, in 2010, US the activities responsible for the most water withdrawals in the US were:

1. Thermoelectric Power – 45%

2. Irrigation – 32%

3. Public Supply – 12%

[And the remainder in order from 4 to 8 are Self Supplied Industrial, Aquaculture, Mining, Self Supplied Domestic, and Livestock.]


From gracelinks.org:

…In 2005, including both fresh and saline water …

Most (80%) of these withdrawals go to thermoelectric power plants (for cooling) and agriculture (for watering crops).

Another 11 percent … go to municipal supply and ultimately treatment systems each day (by the way, moving and treating that much water requires massive amounts of energy).


Some Notes About Water Use In Different United States Industries

Below we’ve paraphrased or included direct quotes of some information provided by news.thomasnet.com, and pubs.acs.org, about water use in different industries in the US:


– Meat Farming

When measuring water use per dollar of economic output, meat farming is lower than fruit, grain and vegetable farming

The production of animal products makes up almost a third of the total water footprint of the agricultural sector, and one third of that water is for beef cattle


– Fruit & Vegetable Farming

Wheat, corn, rice, cotton and sugarcane might be the food products responsible for the most water usage


– Power Generation

Water is used at almost every stage of power generation (and news.thomasnet.com, and pubs.acs.org list all the stages and relevant water usage at each stage)

The thermoelectric-power industry uses the most water in the energy industry, and electrical power production uses more water than any other single industrial process

One measurement used for water use in power generation is water usage per kilowatt hour of electricity produced


– Natural Gas vs Coal vs Bioenergy

Natural gas yields the most energy per unit volume of water consumed of these energy sources, and a coal-fired power plant uses about 14 times more water

Bioenergy like soybean based biodiesel can be water intensive because there’s water required both to grow the soybeans, and turn it into energy


– Textiles and Garments

One of the biggest waste water creating industries in the world

Most of the water used is used in ‘wet processing’ as well as dyeing of fabric


– Beverages

Includes sodas, beers, juices and other drinks

Most of the water usage comes from the farmed products (such as sugar, barley, coffee, etc), and not the production and bottling


– Automotive Manufacturing

‘Surface treatment and coating, paint spray booths, washing/rinsing/hosing, cooling, air conditioning systems and boilers’ are some of the major water using activities in automotive manufacturing


– Other

It’s worth noting that there are industries like pets and the production of pet food that might not get as much attention, but can use a lot of water in their production


Which Industries Use The Most Water In Europe?

In Europe, energy production and cooling in power plants, along with manufacturing in general, might be some of the highest water withdrawing industries 


From eea.europa.eu:

On average, 44% of total water abstraction in Europe is used for agriculture [mostly irrigation], 40% for industry and energy production (cooling in power plants), and 15% for public water supply.

The main water consuming sectors are irrigation, urban, and the manufacturing industry


Which Industries Use The Most Water In Australia?

We have provided a separate guide on water use in Australia 

Of all the water Australia withdraws, according to abs.gov.au, a large % goes to agriculture, but, energy generation (in the form of hydro electricity generation) is responsible for a large share too

Also, the large majority of the water Australia consumes in non-consumptive – particular for hydro electricity generation

You can also read a complete breakdown at the abs.gov.au resource


Water Use Specifically In The Energy & Electricity Sector & Industry

Thermal power plants are big users of water for electricity production 

At power plants, water is used for cooling the steam that turns the turbines that generate electricity, but it can also be used for other stages of energy generation further up the supply chain (such as for mining and extraction of energy sources, cleaning, and processing), and down it too (such as for waste disposal

In the US, thermoelectric plants 41 percent of total water withdrawals, and majority might be plants with once-through cooling systems

Other energy sources like solar, wind and hydro may use water differently (as they don’t rely on burning fossil fuels or resources)

In energy generation, water can be non-consumptive, and returned to it’s source, as opposed to being consumed 


How Power Plants Use Water

From ucsusa.org:

Most power plants generate heat from their fuel (by burning coal or natural gas, for example, or by maintaining a fission reaction), and use that heat to boil water, produce steam, and turn turbines [which generates electricity]

Water is also used during various stages of energy-related resource extraction, processing, and waste disposal.


All thermal cycles (coal, natural gas, nuclear, geothermal, and biomass) use water as a cooling fluid to drive the thermodynamic cycles that allow electricity to be extracted from heat energy (wikipedia.org)


watercalculator.org has more information on how power plants use water


How Much Water Thermoelectric Plants Use In The US

From watercalculator.org

Because of the large amount of water required by thermoelectric plants, total US withdrawals for thermoelectric power accounted for 41 percent of total water withdrawals in 2015 (the most recent year data is available).

Power plants that used once-through cooling systems accounted for 96 percent of all withdrawals for thermoelectric power.


How Other Energy Sources Use Water

Other energy sources such as wind and solar use water for cleaning equipment, while hydroelectricity has water usage from evaporation from the reservoirs (wikipedia.org)


Which Energy Sources Use The Most Water

Read more in this guide about which energy sources use the most water.


Possible Solutions To Save Water In Different Industries

Read more about how we might use water more efficiently in industry in this guide.




1. Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser (2018) – “Water Access, Resources & Sanitation”. Published online at OurWorldInData.org. Retrieved from: ‘https://ourworldindata.org/water-access-resources-sanitation’ [Online Resource]

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drinking_water_supply_and_sanitation_in_the_United_States

3. http://www.gracelinks.org/210/how-the-united-states-uses-water

4. https://water.usgs.gov/edu/wateruse-diagrams.html

5. https://www.epa.gov/watersense/how-we-use-water

6. https://water.usgs.gov/watuse/wuin.html

7. https://water.usgs.gov/watuse/

8. http://www.worldometers.info/water/

9 .https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/other/industrial/index.html

10. https://water.usgs.gov/edu/saline.html

11. https://water.usgs.gov/watuse/wuin.html

12. https://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/water/water-resources/water-use-by-sectors

13. http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/mf/4610.0

14. http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Latestproducts/4610.0Main%20Features32015-16?opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=4610.0&issue=2015-16&num=&view=

15. https://news.thomasnet.com/imt/2012/04/10/down-the-drain-industry-water-use

16. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es903147k?tokenDomain=presspac&tokenAccess=presspac&forwardService=showFullText&journalCode=esthag

17. https://www.bettermeetsreality.com/water-supplies-in-australia-nationally-by-state-a-summary-stats-trends/

18. https://www.fmanet.org/blog/2012/05/24/water-reuse-recycling-conservation-manufacturing

19. https://www.ucsusa.org/clean-energy/energy-water-use#.XF5AieIzbR0

20. https://www.watercalculator.org/water-use/the-water-footprint-of-energy/ 

21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_impact_of_electricity_generation


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